The best syrup for dry and wet cough:
Did you know that Lambert Syrup is a safe cough syrup for your family (over 1 month)?
Lambert Syrup is a cough syrup with a natural source health formula!
Did you know that Lambert Syrup is a safe cough syrup for your family (over 1 month)?
Lambert Syrup is a cough syrup with a natural source health formula!
Heavy smokers often have a chronic cough, especially in the morning, which is accompanied by dyspnea and is due to excessive smoking. This shortness of breath is one of the essential elements characteristic of smokers.
Lambert Syrup offers effective relief from cold and flu symptoms such as coughs, congestion, sore throat pain, croup and minor bronchial irritations.
Care and practical advice
• Wash your toddler's nose with saline water to help remove secretions.
Lifestyle and home remedies
Regardless of the cause of your sore throat, these at-home care strategies can help you ease your or your child's symptoms:
Unlike dry cough, wet cough is productive since it is followed by expectoration of phlegm.
When you become pregnant, your immune system is likely to change. As a result of these changes, you may contract a cold or a cough at some point during your pregnancy. In addition, your illness may last longer.
The cough is called dry when it is not productive, more precisely in the absence of expectoration of mucus. It is sometimes exhausting in that the patient cannot be relieved by the release of his bronchi.
How to Treat a Cold or Cough During Pregnancy
If you get a cold or a cough, try treating it by doing the following:
The cough can be wet or dry, that is to say that it is accompanied or not by secretions. The dry cough is usually a cough that appears in the form of fifths, or even be asthmatic: breathing becomes sibilant. Wet cough, on the other hand, is accompanied by expectoration of phlegm.
There are some proven and effective remedies for chest congestion, as well as some effective over-the-counter treatments. Here's how to get rid of chest congestion naturally:
Coughing is a natural phenomenon that helps to clear phlegm from the respiratory system.
Unfortunately, the feeling of heaviness in the chest and wheezing are not the only symptoms of chest congestion. The symptoms are often worse in the morning and include the following:
Mucus and phlegm can be disturbing. Here's how to treat them:
The smoker's cough is a chronic cough that occurs for more than three months and for at least two consecutive years. Winter bronchitis is common in these people.
Mucus is different from phlegm. These terms are often used interchangeably because their role is the same in the body.
The nerve center of cough is located in the medulla oblongata, that is, at the junction between the spinal cord and the brain. This center is connected by nerves to receptors that line the sinuses, nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleura and diaphragm.